Salmol Expectorant

Salmol Expectorant Drug Interactions




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Drug Interactions
Beta blockers: Concomitant use may inhibit bronchodilating effects. Severe bronchospasms may be produced in asthmatic patients taking salbutamol.
Methyldopa: Concurrent administration may result in an increased pressor response.
MAO inhibitors: Coadministration may result in severe headache, hypertension, and hyperpyrexia, resulting in hypertensive crisis. MAO inhibitors also potentiate the actions of beta-adrenergic agonists on the vascular system. Avoid coadministration with sympathomimetics or within 2 weeks.
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs): TCAs potentiate the pressor response of direct-acting sympathomimetics; dysrhythmias have occurred.
Theophylline: Enhanced toxicity, particularly cardiotoxicity, has been noted. Decreased theophylline levels may occur.
Diuretics: ECG changes and hypokalemia associated with these diuretics may worsen with coadministration.
Digoxin: Patients receiving such concomitant therapy may decrease in serum digoxin concentration. Carefully evaluated their serum digoxin concentration.
DRUG/LAB INTERACTIONS: Guaifenesin may increase renal clearance for urate and thereby lower serum uric acid levels. Guaifenesin may produce an increase in urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic (5-HIAA) acid and may therefore interfere with the interpretation of this test for the diagnosis of carcinoid syndrome. It may also falsely elevate the vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) test for catechols. Administration of this drug should be discontinued 48 hours prior to the collection of urine specimens for such tests.
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